DeXe Token

DeXe DAO's utility and governance token Used to distribute rewards to contributors and to govern the DeXe Protocol
Current price
$2.8 B+
Current price
$2.8 B+
Current price
$2.8 B+
Current price
$2.8 B+
Current price
$2.8 B+
Current price
$2.8 B+
Current price
$2.8 B+
Current price
$2.8 B+


The DeXe token, DEXE, is a native governance token for the DeXe DAO, enabling decentralized decision-making. Through DEXE, members can propose, vote, and carry out governance actions in a transparent and efficient manner.
This token fosters an inclusive and meritocratic decision-making culture. Moreover, DEXE is a multichain token currently available on two networks and plays a pivotal role in the treasury, enhancing community engagement and participation through its utilities and redistribution mechanisms.
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Token distribution and


Token distribution and


All the previously earmarked token allocations of the DeXe ecosystem are deposited into the treasury. This includes tokens to be used for Hi Farming rewards, voting and contributing rewards, grant funding, and funding for many other initiatives.
Putting all these tokens into the treasury assures the transparency and predictability of token distribution throughout the DeXe community.


with Boosted

Rewards (H.Farming rewards)

Minted NFT
Increased rewards with NFTs

Launch DAO Studio

built on DeXe Protocol

by community members

Launch App

Launch DAO Studio

built on DeXe Protocol

by community members

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©2023 DeXe Protocol